Cued Relaxation

Once you can tell the difference between tension and relaxation, you should be able to notice more quickly when your body is getting tense. When this happens, this should be your cue to try any of the following techniques of cued relaxation.


Relax the particular area of your body that feels tense. Tighten the muscles, then relax. Think about that muscle relaxing.


Change your posture to a relaxed one when you notice yourself getting tense. Drop your shoulders down in a sideways widening direction.


Repeat a sound or word which you find relaxing, for example, the word ' calm',or say to yourself ," I am going to relax my body. It is feeling heavier and more relaxed".


Gaze at a fixed object in the room, such as a picture or ornament which you particularly like.


Think of an image that you find particularly calming and soothing and imagine yourself there, for example, lying on a deserted beach or floating on a leather mattress through the clouds.


Breathe through your nose and become aware of your breathing. As you breathe out, focus on your mental device ( from preceding box).Breathe easily, slowly and naturally.